You Need Not Do This Alone

Cristina Michaela
5 min readOct 26, 2022

If you’re anything like me, you will think you can do it all.

You will think that because you are intelligent and because you have made it this far and done pretty well (if you do say so yourself), everything is fine and you can figure out this life on your own.

If you’re anything like me, perhaps you already have (at least a little).

And yet, even if you have, to continuing going at it all alone is a dangerous way to build a life — to remain an island, to armor up and continually dig deeper the moat around you which has already been dug.

Dangerous not because you won’t physically survive (though even that is not guaranteed), but dangerous because with every inch dug, your heart disconnects just a little more, and what is this life if we are to remain physically alive but emotionally and spiritually dead?

An Imbalanced System

There is a widely-held societally accepted belief that our emotions play second fiddle to our actions. Despite how many people talk about mental health and how much work has been done in the space by a good many humans, we are still a far ways away from learning to revere the very essence of who we are and how we work on a mass scale.



Cristina Michaela

Writer, teacher, seeker of emotional intelligence + spiritual expansion from the heart | Say hi @joyfullysensitive |